Inspection System

Inspection Scheme

The inspections are scheduled based on the risk-classification of industries by each Department. Please click on the Department’s tab to know about the inspection scheme.

Directorate of Boilers

Boilers Department is responsible for enforcing the Provision of the Boilers Act 1923 and Indian Boilers Regulations 1950 along with their respective Tamil Nadu state rules:

Frequency of Inspection



Frequency of Inspection


High Risk category

All Boilers expect Small Industrial Boilers defined in Regulation 619 of Indian Boilers Regulations, 1950

Once every year during the time of inspection.


Medium Risk Category

All shell type Small Industries Boilers as defined in Regulation 619 (a) of Indian Boilers Regulations, 1950


Low Risk Category

All coil type / once through / water tube Small  Industrial Boilers as defined in Regulation 619 (b) of Indian Boilers Regulations, 1950

Scheduling of Inspections

The Scheduling of Inspections is determined through an online inspection module in the Central Inspection System. The CIS allocates competent persons (col. 4 of the table) for inspection of Boilers covered in the jurisdiction of Deputy Director of Boilers and Senior Assistant Directors of Boilers (col. 3 of the table) for renewal of certificate of Boilers with each Region (col. 2 of the table). The system ensures that the given boiler is not inspected twice consecutively by the same competent person.

The competency, and jurisdiction for different cadre of Inspecting Officers are given in table below:



Jurisdiction Offices

Competent Persons



1. Sr Asst Director of Boilers, North Arcot Circle, Vellore.

2. Sr Asst Director of Boilers, South Arcot Circle, Cuddalore.

1. Sr Asst Director of Boilers, o/o Director of Boilers, Chennai.

2. Sr Asst Director of Boilers, North Arcot Circle, Vellore.

3. Sr Asst Director of Boilers, South Arcot Circle, Cuddalore.



1. Dy Director of Boilers, Coimbatore Circle, Coimbatore.

2. Sr Asst Director of Boilers, Erode Circle, Erode.

3. Sr Asst Director of Boilers, Salem Circle, Salem.

1.Dy Director of Boilers, Neyveli.

2. Sr Asst Director of Boilers, Erode Circle, Erode.

3. Sr Asst Director of Boilers, Salem Circle, Salem.

4. Sr Asst Director of Boilers - II, BHEL Circle, Tiruchirappalli.



1. Sr Asst Director of Boilers, Thanjavur - Tiruchi Circle, Tiruchirappalli.

2. Sr Asst Director of Boilers, Madurai Circle, Madurai.

1. Sr Asst Director of Boilers - I, BHEL Circle, Tiruchirappalli.

2. Sr Asst Director of Boilers, Thanjavur - Tiruchi Circle, Tiruchirappalli.

3. Sr Asst Director of Boilers, Madurai Circle, Madurai.

Inspection Report

The inspection report of Boilers shall be uploaded by the Competent Person who inspected the boiler for renewal of certificate, in the Central Inspection System portal within 48 hours of completion of inspection.

Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has enlisted 17 categories of large and medium highly polluting industries to be monitored continuously for strict compliance and continuous and close monitoring. Any industry which constitutes an investment of above INR 5 Crore and belonging to this list of 17 categories is to be monitored continuously. Following are the 17 categories of industries:

  1. Aluminium Smelting
  2. Basic Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing
  3. Cement
  4. Chlor Alkali/ Caustic Soda
  5. Copper Smelter
  6. Distillery
  7. Dye and Dye Intermediates
  8. Fertilizer
  9. Iron & Steel
  10. Pesticide (Synthetic)
  11. Petro Chemical
  12. Oil Refinery
  13. Pulp & Paper
  14. Sugar
  15. Tannery
  16. Thermal Power Plants
  17. Zinc Smelting

These industries comprise of highly polluting, Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs), Common Biomedical Waste Treatment Facility (CBWTF) and Treatment Storage & Disposal Facility (TSDF).

All the above factories are inspected once every month.

Scheduling of Inspections

The Scheduling of Inspections for these 17 Category industries is determined through an online inspection module. The competency, jurisdiction and frequency of inspection for different cadre of Inspecting Officers are given in table below.

Designation of Officer

Type of Inspection

Frequency of inspection


CTO - Compliance Inspection

Once a month

The industries will be selected randomly as per the frequency of inspections indicated above and randomly assigned to an officer. The same Inspecting Officer will not inspect the same industry twice consecutively. The officer is to mandatorily inspect the industry within 15 days from being assigned the industry. The officer is to communicate the date of inspection through the e-noting module and a computer generated notice will be issued to the industry so as to provide prior intimation before inspection.

Inspection Report

The compliance to all applicable laws are verified by the inspecting officer during the inspection. The inspecting officer is to populate all parameters of the inspection report on the e-noting module within 24 hours of completing inspection. In case of defects, the Inspecting Officer is to communicate the list of defects to the industry through the e-noting portal. The industry will receive communication via email and sms and can take corrective action and respond with a compliance report through the portal. The compliance report is scrutinized and effective follow up action is taken. If the compliance report is not satisfactory, legal action is initiated against the Industry.

Labour Department

Labour Department is responsible for enforcing the following Labour laws along with their respective Tamil Nadu state rules:

  1. The Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Act, 1947
  2. The Tamil Nadu Catering Establishments Act, 1958
  3. The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
  4. The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service) Act, 1979
  5. The Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986
  6. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
  7. The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961
  8. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
  9. The Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1972
  10. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
  11. The Payment of Gratuity Act,1972
  12. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
  13. The Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments (National and Festival Holidays) Act, 1958
  14. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
  15. The Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments (Conferment of Permanent Status to workmen) Act, 1981
  16. The Legal Metrology Act, 2009
  17. The Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act, 1946
  18. The Working Journalists and other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of service and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1955
  19. The Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Services) Act, 1976
  20. The Beedi & Cigar workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966
  21. The Cine Workers and Cinema Theatre Workers Act, 1981.
  22. The Payment of Subsistence Allowance Act, 1981

The risk categorization is explained below.

Frequency of Inspection



Frequency of Inspection


High Risk category

Establishments employing 50 or more workers  

Once every Year


Medium Risk Category

Establishments employing 10 to 49 workers

Once in 2 Years


Low Risk Category

Establishments employing 1 to 9 workers

Once in 5 Years


Self-Certification Scheme

Self-certification scheme has been proposed for the following establishments:

1. Medium risk category of establishments

2. Low risk category of establishments

Low risk category of establishments enrolled under the self-certification-cum-Combined annual returns scheme shall be exempted from physical inspection. The medium risk category of establishments in the above scheme shall be inspected once in five years. 

Scheduling of Inspections

The Scheduling of Inspections is determined through an online inspection module. The competency, jurisdiction and frequency of inspection for different cadre of Inspecting Officers are given in table below.

Designation of


Category of building and other construction establishments

No of Inspecting Days in a Month

No. of Inspections Per Day

Joint Commissioner of Labour

High risk establishments employing 500 and above workers


1/12 of total number of such establishments

Deputy Commissioner of Labour

High risk establishments employing from 250 to 499 workers


1/12 of total number of such establishments

Inspector of Labour

High risk establishments employing from 100 to 249 workers


1/12 of total number of such establishments

Deputy Inspector of Labour

High risk establishments employing from 50 to 99 workers


1/12 of total number of such establishments

Assistant Inspector of Labour

Medium-Risk establishments

Those covered under self-certification scheme


1/60 of total number of such establishments

Those not covered under self-certification scheme


1/24 of total number of such establishments

Low-Risk establishments

Those covered under self-certification scheme



Those not covered under self-certification scheme


1/60 of total number of such establishments

The establishments are selected randomly as per the frequency of inspections indicated above. The Inspecting Officer is selected randomly through computerized online inspection module. The same Inspecting Officer will not inspect the same establishments twice consecutively.

Inspection Report

The Inspection report will be uploaded by the inspecting officer within 48 Hrs of the completion of the Inspection in the Online Inspection Module. In case of noticing defects in the compliance of any of the Labour laws, the Inspecting Officer issues a notice to the Employer through the online Inspection Module. The Employer will be required to take corrective action and upload compliance report within 15 days. In case the establishment is found to be complying with the labour laws, the inspections will be categorized as satisfying and the issue is closed.

Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health

The Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health (DISH) is responsible for enforcing the following Labour laws along with their respective Tamil Nadu state rules.

  1. The Factories Act, 1948
  2. The Building and other Construction workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of service) Act, 1996.
  3. The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970
  4. The Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986.
  5. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.
  6. The Inter–State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979.
  7. The Labour Laws (Exemption from furnishing Returns and maintaining Registers by certain Establishment) Act, 1988.
  8. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.
  9. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
  10. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
  11. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
  12. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
  13. Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989.
  14. The Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments (Conferment of Permanent Status) Act, 1981
  15. The Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments (National & Festival Holidays) Act, 1958
  16. Tamil Nadu Labour welfare Fund Act, 1972.
  17. The Tamil Nadu Payment of Subsistence Allowance Act, 1981.
  18. The Tamil Nadu Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards Rules, 1994.

DISH has two divisions viz. Factories, and Building and Other Construction Establishments. The risk categorization of industries in these two divisions has been explained below:


Frequency of Inspection




Frequency of Inspection


High Risk category

The following types of factories are categorized under high risk:

g. All Major Accident Hazard (MAH) Factories

h. Factories covered under Section 87 (Dangerous Operations) and Rule 95 of Tamil Nadu Factories Rules 1950, employing more than 100 workers

i. Factories covered under Section 2(cb) of the Factories Act, 1948 (Listed in First Schedule as Industries involving Hazardous Process), employing more than 100 workers

Randomly inspected once in a year


Medium Risk Category

The following types of factories are categorized under medium risk:

a. Factories, covered under Section 87 (Dangerous Operations) and Rule 95 of Tamil Nadu Factories Rules 1950, employing up to 100 workers

b. Factories, covered under Section 2(cb) of the Factories Act, 1948 (Listed in First Schedule as Industries Involving Hazardous Process), employing up to 100 workers

c. Factories employing more than 250 workers and not covered under Section 87 (Dangerous Operations) or Section 2(cb) (Hazardous Process)of Factories Act 1948.

Randomly inspected once in two years


Low Risk Category

All the other factories not covered under medium and high risk categories are categorized under Low Risk

Randomly inspected once in five years


Self-Certification-cum-Combined annual returns Scheme:

Self-certification-cum-combined annual returns scheme has been implemented for the following factories:

a. Medium risk category of factories employing more than 250 workers.

b. Low risk category of factories

Low risk category of factories enrolled under this scheme are exempted from physical inspection. The medium risk factories enrolled in the above scheme are randomly inspected once in five years. However such factories may be inspected with the authorization of the Director of Industrial Safety and Health in case of complaint, accident or other exigencies.

The Scheduling of Inspections is determined through an online inspection module. The competency, jurisdiction and frequency of inspection for different cadre of Inspecting Officers are given in table below.

Designation of Officer

Category of factories

No. of Inspections per month

Assistant Director

Medium Risk Category of factories employing less than 50 workers and not covered under Self Certification scheme

1/24 of total number of such factories

Medium Risk Category of factories employing less than 50 workers but covered under Self Certification scheme

Low Risk Category of factories employing less than 50 workers and not covered under Self Certification scheme

1/60 of total number of such factories

Deputy Director

Medium Risk Category of factories employing more than 50 and up to 250 workers and not covered under Self Certification scheme

1/24 of total number of such factories

Medium Risk Category of factories employing more than 50 and up to 250 workers but covered under Self Certification scheme

Low Risk Category of factories employing more than 50 and up to 250 workers and not covered under Self Certification scheme

1/60 of total number of such factories

Joint Director

High Risk Category of factories

6 % (six percentage) of total number of such factories

Medium Risk Category of factories employing more than 250 workers and not covered under Self Certification scheme

1/24 of total number of such factories

Medium Risk Category of factories employing more than 250 workers but covered under Self Certification scheme

1/60 of total number of such factories

Additional Director

High Risk Category of factories

One factory in each division

The factories will be selected randomly as per the frequency of inspections indicated above. A computer generated notice will be issued to the factories so as to provide 15 days’ notice before inspection. The Inspecting Officer will be selected randomly through computerized online inspection module. The same Inspecting Officer will not inspect the same factory twice consecutively. In case of exigencies, such as leave, Court appearance etc., the notified factory shall be inspected by the next higher level officer by due authorization.

Inspection Report

The compliance to all applicable labour laws are verified by the inspecting officer during the inspection.The inspection Report is uploaded by the Inspecting Officer within 24 hours after the completion of his inspection, and an alert is sent to the Occupier / Manager, so that they may view/download the inspection report. In case of defects, the Occupier /Manager is required to take corrective action and upload compliance report within 7 days. The compliance report is scrutinized and effective follow up action is taken. If the compliance report is not satisfactory, legal action is initiated against the Occupier / Manager of the factory by the officials of this Directorate as per the administrative instructions of the Director of Industrial Safety and Health.

Building and Other Construction Workers

Frequency of Inspection

Building and Other Construction Workers



Frequency of Inspection


High Risk category

The following building and other construction establishments are categorized under high risk:

a. All building and other construction establishments employing 500 and above workmen Factories covered under Section 87 (Dangerous Operations) and Rule 95 of Tamil Nadu Factories Rules 1950, employing more than 100 workers

b.Irrespective of number of workmen, the establishments engaged in the construction of the following:

·Building having more than five floors,



·Generation, transmission and distribution of power,

· Oil and gas installations,

· Dams,

· Tunnels and

· Bridges

Randomly inspected once in a year


Medium Risk Category

The following building and other construction establishments are categorized under medium risk:

a. Building and other construction establishments employing more than 50 but less than 500 workmen

b.Irrespective of number of workmen, the establishments engaged in the construction of the building having more than two floors but less than five floors.

Randomly inspected once in two years


Low Risk Category

All the other building and other construction establishments not covered under medium and high risk categories are categorized under Low Risk.

Randomly inspected once in three years


Self-Certification-cum-Combined annual returns Scheme:

Self-certification-cum-combined annual returns scheme is available for the following building and other construction establishments:

a. Medium risk category of establishments

b.Low risk category of establishments

Low risk category of building and other construction establishment enrolled under the self-certification-cum-Combined annual returns scheme are exempted from physical inspection. The medium risk category of building and other construction establishment enrolled in the above scheme are randomly inspected once in three years. However such building and other construction establishment may be inspected with the authorization of the Director of Industrial Safety and Health in case of complaint, accident or other exigencies.

Scheduling of Inspections

The Scheduling of Inspections is determined through an online inspection module. The competency, jurisdiction and frequency of inspection for different cadre of Inspecting Officers are given in table below.

Designation of Officer

Category of building and other construction establishments

No of Inspection per month

Assistant Director

Low Risk Category of establishments not covered under self-certification scheme.

1/36 of total number of such establishments

Deputy Director

Medium Risk Category of establishments covered under self-certification scheme

1/36 of total number of such establishments

Medium Risk Category of establishments not covered under self-certification scheme

1/24 of total number of such establishments

Joint Director

High Risk Category of establishments

1/12  of total number of such establishments

The establishments are selected randomly as per the frequency of inspections indicated above. A computer generated notice is issued to the establishments so as to provide 15 days’ time before inspection. The Inspecting Officer is selected randomly through computerized online inspection module. The same Inspecting Officer will not inspect the same establishments twice consecutively. In case of exigencies, such as leave, Court appearance etc., the notified establishments shall be inspected by the next higher level officer by due authorization.

Inspection Report

The compliance to all applicable labour laws are verified by the inspecting officer during the inspection. The inspection report is uploaded by the Inspecting Officer within 24hours after the completion of his inspection, and an alert is sent to the Employer, so that they may view/download the inspection report. In case of defects, the Employer is required to take corrective action and upload compliance report within 7 days. The compliance report is scrutinized and effective follow up action is taken. If the compliance report is not satisfactory, legal action is initiated against the Employer of the Establishment by the officials of this Directorate as per the administrative instructions of the Director of Industrial Safety and Health.